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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cheesy fight songs- American Falls, ID

I've decided that since I've been traveling to various schools (wrestling) snd have nothing to post on right now, I'll start up a "column" in my blog. It is called "Cheesy Fight songs". The first one I'm posting is American Falls, Idaho.

Lyrics, Transcribed exactly as-is, punctuation and all, since the picture isn't the best:
"Oh, Fight Beavers, Fight Beavers, Fight.
Don't You Know That Your School Is Behind You?
So, Fight Beavers, Fight Beavers, Fight.
Raise The Score, Break That Line In Two.
So, Fight Beavers, Fight Beavers, Fight.
For The Teachers And School Are Always With You.
For Yours Is The Spirit That Wins.
So Never Fear, We'll Always Cheer You On To Victory.
Fight, Fight, Fight Team, Fight.
GOOOOO Beavers"
Would a little punctuation kill anybody? How about grammar? Oh wells. New one (probably) this weekend.

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