Twitter Updates

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Mlagh, I got tagged by Jamie. I have no clue how to do this, so yeah. You'd better like it. I am incapable of doing 18 blogs because I don't even have half of that. So I'll improvise with my grandest total of 7 links.
  • La Reglas: These questions are based on the list of blog links (people you know) on your blog. If you don't have one, get one.
  • If you have less than 18 names, answer the next question for the link that hasn't been discussed yet.
  • Tag 5 people.*
  • When did you meet the first person on your list?- I met Rachel when Jamie was younger and always had those Drama Club/Show choir/whatever parties at our house. Maybe before that, but that's the earliest I can recall.
  • What do you like about the third person on your list's Blog?- I like the music player (using it right now) and Hollister theme. Mainly because when you scroll down, it's trippy.
  • What do you like most about the 5th and 6th people on your list? Nick is a pretty cool/funny person. He also has some way neat stuff on his blog. Bryce and Tyra be's my cousins. So naturally I have cousinly love towards them.
  • How long have you known the 9th person (7th for me) on your list? I've known Jamie since I was born and Mikey since Spud day of '02.
  • What impresses you about the 11th (2nd for me) and twelfth (I'll just go back to the first) people on your list? Both Rachel. The fact that she can actually post at least twice a week on her blog is impressive to me.
  • What is a memory you share with the 16th person on your list? (on to #3 again)- Hmmm. I remember boating with Heather back in the day.
  • Say something nice about the 18th person on your list. (that'll be #4 for me.)- Lori Bob and Oscar are awesome and that is that.
*the five people I tag are: Rachel, Lori, Nick, Tyra, and Heather.