Twitter Updates

Monday, November 19, 2007

Wow, almost 2 months...

So, I've put off blogging because I have been doing school, and because I haven't had much to blog on. But now I have a reason!!! It's name is "I have a blurple laser on the way via USPS (Underestimatedly Sucky Postal (in)Service)"! Here's the video that inspired me.
Blu-Ray Laser Phaser! - I think I might use a mini spree container as the container for the stuff. I'm going to try selling it for like $200, a "bargain" compared to the $900 blu-ray laser people get away with selling nowadays.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

10th post

Umm... I dont know if it's an accomplishment that I've gotten to 10 posts, or ridiculous that I've had it for over a year... and only just have gotten to the big 10. or an accomplishment that I haven't just given up by now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Heroes Premiere

Well, lookie here! I actually remembered to write tonight! So, how many of you caught the Heroes Season 2 Premiere? How many of you, like me, put it on a DVR/POS tape/watched it on the internet? And how many of you missed it altogether because of a family thing, or YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO FREAKIN' CATCH UP ON THE FIRST SEASON?!?!?!?!? (Don't worry, Sam, I won't point any fingers). Post in the comments on your Heroes caughtuppitude situation. I can't wait for the Heroes video game to come out...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Rare Collectible

This is something I made with GS4's distant cousin, The GiMP.

Aww, Crap!

I managed to do it AGAIN! Yes, I have made an incredible total of at least 1.36 years of hiatus time. But I was reading "Uncle Sue's" blog, when I decided to write some more. But alas, I have no exciting lifestyle (read: a very boring life) to blog about, like Uncle Sue the writer/college student, or Jamie, the parent of three, or maybe even Lori Bob, who's career remains unknown by me to this very day (although to my knowledge, she hasn't posted for quite some time either). So I have decided to get a hobby: amateur filmmaking. Yeah, it sounds like I'd not be very good at it, and it's probably right. But still, I'd have something to blog about. i found this great little program that's nearly as good as finalcut maybe (edit: no, not even but still neat). It's called zs4 video editor. It can do the neat stuff like chromakey (to those not technologically oriented: the magic green screen) and i got it for free. Now all i need is a decent camcorder, spare time and I am set. I also learned about this neat video service called metacafe. It's completely free, and every 200 hits on your video, you get 5 bucks! I know of a hacker type guy who's earned a full sixty grand in a matter of months! Well, after a half an hour of blogging (not just this, it's included checking blogs) my hands are starting to cramp. Which is odd, considering it never happened before now. Must be Dad's crappy keyboard. He seriously needs to get a Maltron.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Holy crap. I seem to have a lot of hiatuses (or hiati?) lately. I was reading my sister's blog when I realized I had my own. So, here I am. nothing much to write about though. Yeah. ummm... Holy crap. Yeah, i guess I'll start updating more often. Soooo... Yup. That's it for the night. See ya.